Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ivana went shopping

So... I went shopping.. First time I went on a shopping spree after buying Paris.. (well I won't count the June shopping session because even though I get loads of stuff, it's really my mom who shopped).

Anyway I got myself a working shoe- black-enclosed heel - and then.. I bought a DIAMOND RING! yai......... Nothing fancy smhancy, just a regular 50% on sale diamond ring at Macy's.. OkAY for all galz.. macy's are having a 50% sale on jewellery. I really wanted to buy a sapphire ring, to replace my old ring that I have had for like 9 years but lost it a few years ago. But then I saw this gorgeous diamond ring at Macy's Santa Monica.. and couldn't help myself that this ring cost a little more than my budget.

For those who are thinking of buying me a ring for anything, my ring finger size is 4.5 and my middle finger's size is 5.5

Anyway.. when I got home from shopping, I checked my mail and found a pay check for me!! It was from my job in school!! hah... I felt so good... I am destined to buy the ring..

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