Friday, March 31, 2006

Calmer days

I felt better nowadays. The truth is out, the future is sketchily written out. Hopefully in two weeks time, we all know.

Anyway let's share my thought on not eating meat for a week. It allows me to treasure tofu and vegetable more, that's for sure. A few days afterwards, I kinda feel weird eating meat. Vegetable and tofu and eggs are so soft and tender that when I eat over-cooked beef, I feel like eating rubber.

I went to LACMA's 40th birthday yesterday. Really COOL!!!!! 7pm to 3am.. it's for free.. the line was super long, i had to wait for an hour. Lotsa people, they made the courtyard into a lounge. Well, I didnt enjoy the drinks/atmosphere though, I straightly head into the exhibition. Modern/contemporary paintings, modern/futuristic furniture ( really coollll )

Gustav Klimt's works is going to be exhibited in LACMA next week, soo... coming there. Anyway I was overwhelmed by the exhibition yesterday that I signed up for LACMA membership (forty bucks )

My dream is to have a gallery... We'll see

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I need a Holiday

I am sooooooooooooo boreeddd.. I wanna run away.. Wanna go to New York, go to MOMA, try out restaurants there...
Go to Chicago.. the famous pizza..


burnt out

Friday, March 24, 2006


I should be at home, waiting for the dreadful news. Not in the office at 9 am, anxious every second.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Not Eating Meat for 5 Days

Today is my fourth day going abstinate from meat. ( anykind of meat.. red meat/white meat/fish meat/ scallops-kind of meat ) People often asked my, "why?"

It's not that I am exactly a religious person ( rarely go to church, and not baptized : so these do not validate why I am giving up meat ). Okay second reason : some unexplainable reason. HAH!
Third Reason : I need a sign from God..

Let me elaborate on the second reason.. Saturday night I had a dream ( yes another weird dream ). I dreamt that I was eating crabs.. lotsa lotsa crabs. And I was eating the crab's claw in my dream. SO the next day when I woke up, I decided to have crab for dinner.

I went to JR Seafood on Santa Monica and ordered a 3 pound crab. As I was about to eat the claw, I had to bite on its shell because the chef didn't properly open the shell. I bit into it, and got my tongue stuck in between the claw's shell. OUCH! It bleeds...

And there you go.. My second, unexplainable, reason. After that I decided to fast on meat for a week.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I walked Paris.. ( Yeah I know.. SHRIEKKKKKK )

Before you guys started fainting ( yes especially you Tao! ), let me explain myself. While I went for Paris' playdate last weekend with his girlfriend Yankee, I realized that Paris is much chubbier than Yankee and he is lazier. Last time Paris would chase Yankee around the house and play together. Lately, he's been playing with the toy, sniffing around the grass, while occasionally running, and laying down on the grass. Yankee, on the other hand, is busy chasing Paris or trying to get Paris to chase her. She'll even growl ( in a nice/friendly way ) to provoke Paris to chase her.. but Nada.. Nil.. Zilch.. Paris is too lazy to chase her.

This is an alarming situation !!!!!

Paris is a lazy, fat dog!

This revelation led me to a guilt trip and in the end Kevin and I decided to walk Paris. Yesterday we even walked him twice for 20 mins each ( YESS YESS I KNOWW... SHRIEEKKKK )

The funniest thing is after our second walk, instead of gnawing at his bones as he usually does at night, Paris went straight to the crate and.... Sleep.......................

LAZy DoG..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Do you know that...

Engagement ring/ wedding ring is worn on your left hand-ring finger?? I didn't know that...

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Readers All Over the World

I just realized that my friends are actually reading my blog ! Heya alll!!!

Please leave me some comments so I know that you guys exist.. So I know that I am not wasting five minutes everyday in my life :>

Paris Speaks !!!

Yess.. This morning I was awaken by some noise at 7am. I thought Erly opened up my room, I gazed to my door but found that it was still closed. Feeling dizzy still from the NyQuil I drank the night before, I closed my eyes and lied down on my bed again. Suddenly I heard a sound, "Ssstt.." Confused, I raised my head again. No one was around, other than Paris in his crate. A few seconds after the fist voice, I saw Paris said, "Get up!" And I'm like...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................... something is wrong!!!

In my head : "Why does my dog say 'get up!' and not something cute like 'I love you' or stuff like that. And why on earth say 'get up' if Paris usually wake up one or two hours later than I do."

Insane, yes.. but the Nyquil really knocked me out. I slept again, not bothering thinking why on earth is my dog speaking???

Friday, March 17, 2006

Russel Crowe Vs Collin Farel

I went to watch a Russel Crowe concert last Friday at House of Blues. While I was waiting in line, I noticed there were women of 30s and 40s waiting in line as well. I kinda thought it's weird that there aren't that many women of my age, since Russel Crowe is so hot...

Sure he's an actor and he's probably not good at singing, but don't other women my age want to see him sing?

While waiting 1.5 hours in line in front of House of Blues, I asked Kevin, "Russel Crowe is the guy who acted at Phonebooth right?"

Kevin : "No.. He acted at gladiator"
Ivana : "Huh?"
Kevin: "Russel crowe acted as John Nash in the Beautiful Mind"

Yes yes.. I thought Russel Crowe was Collin Farel. Everytime I talked about going to a Russel Crowe's concert, I have a mental image of Collin Farel..

Wasted my time and money on some stupid actor ( which made me wait 2.5 hours before showing up)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Favorite Photo

Sadly, I am not exactly photogenic..
Out of 150 photos taken, only a couple are good ( Slash this )

As per Tao's comment, I meant: not all 150 are good :>

Living Each Day One At a Time ( Literally )

To avoid boredoom.. I have resolved into concentrating one day at a time.. Take for example on Friday Night : I went dinner with Kevin's friends from San Francisco and then we continued to have dessert at Chocolat to get chocolate soufflee..

And then Saturday : Went to learn Golf ( I can SWING!!!! ) and then went shopping...

Sunday : Went to Tao's place ( check out his web : ) and had Paris and I photographed by the will-be professional photographer Tao. The pictures came out really well.. Will show you all the pictures later.. He set up a small studio in his living room , equipped with all the 1500 Watts lighting and backdrop.. Love it... Thanks Tao!

Monday : Was planning to ditch work after lunch and joined Kevin and his cousin from Indonesia go shopping .. But after lunch, I got assigned 32 securities to model for prospective client. Bye Bye Rodeo Dr!

Tuesday : We'll see......

Friday, March 03, 2006

For the First Time

I am observing lent this year... I figure that since I have a dog, and I always feel bad for eating animals (beef, chicken, pork, duck etcetc), I will give up meat every Friday til Easter.

So.. This morning I had banana and oranges ( like any other day this week). And for lunch, I had a Yellow Curry Fried Rice - Vegetarian. ( Not good.. but Chilly really helps!)
Who knows what I'll have for dinner, but I'm pretty sure I'll be bringing my Chilly sauce with me..

Anyway , in the middle of the lunch, I just found out that I can actually eat fish.. Turns out that the Catholics only give up red meat.. (How is that possible that I have been going to a catholic church for 18 years of my life and still not remember this fact )

I have a bestfriend in Singapore last time, her name is Julie Wee. Since Junior High or Primary school, she became vegetarian. And it's not because of religion or anything.... It was the first time I knew a person becoming vegetarian not because of religion and I asked her, "Why don't you eat meat?" And she told me that she doesn't want to eat killed-animals.

Ever since then, I often wonder how do you dedicate your body to follow your mind.. Whoever has never thought of quitting chocolate, just to find yourself holding one, ten seconds later....
How do you quit meat for the rest of your life??

Something to ponder about..

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Burnt Out

Lately I came to work and spent the rest of the day, wishing I would hear a good news to stop me from working. Every seconds, I just hope that something can come and save me from the boredom. I just realized how worrying this stage is.. Surely my work is not THAT boring/depressing/uninteresting that I feel like I need to be saved...

I don't know.. Now I'm just filling my stomach with these tiny sweet tangerines and hoping their sweetness can take my mind off the boredom