Friday, March 03, 2006

For the First Time

I am observing lent this year... I figure that since I have a dog, and I always feel bad for eating animals (beef, chicken, pork, duck etcetc), I will give up meat every Friday til Easter.

So.. This morning I had banana and oranges ( like any other day this week). And for lunch, I had a Yellow Curry Fried Rice - Vegetarian. ( Not good.. but Chilly really helps!)
Who knows what I'll have for dinner, but I'm pretty sure I'll be bringing my Chilly sauce with me..

Anyway , in the middle of the lunch, I just found out that I can actually eat fish.. Turns out that the Catholics only give up red meat.. (How is that possible that I have been going to a catholic church for 18 years of my life and still not remember this fact )

I have a bestfriend in Singapore last time, her name is Julie Wee. Since Junior High or Primary school, she became vegetarian. And it's not because of religion or anything.... It was the first time I knew a person becoming vegetarian not because of religion and I asked her, "Why don't you eat meat?" And she told me that she doesn't want to eat killed-animals.

Ever since then, I often wonder how do you dedicate your body to follow your mind.. Whoever has never thought of quitting chocolate, just to find yourself holding one, ten seconds later....
How do you quit meat for the rest of your life??

Something to ponder about..

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