Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I walked Paris.. ( Yeah I know.. SHRIEKKKKKK )

Before you guys started fainting ( yes especially you Tao! ), let me explain myself. While I went for Paris' playdate last weekend with his girlfriend Yankee, I realized that Paris is much chubbier than Yankee and he is lazier. Last time Paris would chase Yankee around the house and play together. Lately, he's been playing with the toy, sniffing around the grass, while occasionally running, and laying down on the grass. Yankee, on the other hand, is busy chasing Paris or trying to get Paris to chase her. She'll even growl ( in a nice/friendly way ) to provoke Paris to chase her.. but Nada.. Nil.. Zilch.. Paris is too lazy to chase her.

This is an alarming situation !!!!!

Paris is a lazy, fat dog!

This revelation led me to a guilt trip and in the end Kevin and I decided to walk Paris. Yesterday we even walked him twice for 20 mins each ( YESS YESS I KNOWW... SHRIEEKKKK )

The funniest thing is after our second walk, instead of gnawing at his bones as he usually does at night, Paris went straight to the crate and.... Sleep.......................

LAZy DoG..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hee hee.. my doggies r lazy too.. that's y i love them ... pi is so lazy n not food motivated.. it is easier to teach her to stay bcuz she simply doesn't care abt the food right in front of her... lazy doggies r good