Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I talked bout my internship experience in my MBA experience blog so it was good and interesting.. but for today I don't have much to do and decide to update my blog..

I just realized I never make a new year resolution this year.. so I will start with a mid-year resolution :
1. be more hardworking ( in terms of school works). I remembered last time in my undergard I never buy textbooks unless the teachers strictly require it and while others are busy gulping the chapters, I was busy trying to find copies of the lecture notes
2. go to France or New York or Hawaii.. darnn I should really really go to France this year.. been in my to-do-list for yearss
3. Spoil Paris more .. and train him even more to be a good doggie ( teach him more tricks)
4. Learn Chinese language.. should watch more chinese soap operas
5. Learn to improve people's skills - be more humble, listen to people more, try to talk to strangers more
6. Exercise and gain some muscles - yoga/ pilates
7. Cook more - shouldn't go out n spend $$$ on food too often
8. Get to know more Indon friends or friends in general in LA
9. Be cleaner at home ( most prob end up hiring a maid more often)
10. Decide my spirituality ( pick one for god's sake.. )
11. Practice guitar more often
12. To free myself from infatuation/heart break/whatever romantic
13. To care about personal appearances more ( thank god I have Nut my personal shopper/upcoming fashion designer bestfriend)

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