Saturday, January 28, 2006

1/12 way into the year..

Let's see which resolutions I have kept and missed :
1. Went to gymn every two days.. CHECK
2. ate healthy food ( more veggie and fruit daily..) CHECK
3. Haven't gone to church at all ( herm.. maybe I should go tomorrow )
4. Am reading my finance book ( so CHECK)
5. Read Lovely Bones the novel.. halfway..
6. Haven't gone shopping in a month and a half...... :>
7. Started doing Sudoke to improve my memory.. SOMEHOW...
8. Been going to work at 830 so that's pretty early...
9. Just cleaned my house.... cHECk

okay so pretty much I followed eight resolutions out of 24. THat's gooodd.. see never make only one or two resolutions, it's harder to keep up :>

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