Friday, June 15, 2007


Here it is 2.47am in the morning. Here I am, eating a fried mochi with sesame filling. Crying myself to sleep for dunno-how-many-days in a row.

If there's only a medicine for the pain, I would gladly take one right now. Had I been back in LA, I'd be gulping down another bottle of sweet wine then spilling some on my laptop and 'd be buying my third laptop. Puking by the front door of my bathroom, dizzy dragging myself by the sink and 3 minutes it's gone before I start scrambling for napkins to wash off the puke and the wine off my laptop.

Maybe I'll be smarter this time, choosing the eed over the ine. Always a first for something they say.

So foolish of me to try to drown one sorrow with another. A lesson not thoroughly learnt by time.

Just perused a third of 'Tis and that's probably where the satire and irony from.

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