Friday, February 11, 2005

WOW have not been updating this

It's been 2 weeks since I last updated u guys with my news...
Well the best news of all is that Paris has a girlfriend!!!!
TOo bad I don't have her picture yet. but will have soon..
Paris' girlfriend is a coton, 2 weeks older than Paris. Her name is Yankee.. It's kinda weird I know.. Paris' name sounds like a girl.. Yankee's name to me sounds like a guy's name.. WEll opposite attracts
ANyway so I go to accompany Paris on a date to Yankee's house every weekend. TOday is the second time Paris went to his girlfriend's house. Luckily her house is only 3 miles from my house. OR ELSE... THis long-distance relationship is not going anywhere..
Okay so I had had 2 rough weeks of studying, studying and studying, and papers... And there are more coming up ahead.. SIGH..
Valentine's day this weekend! I heard something funny on the radio yesterday, the DJ said that Valentine's day is 'SINGLE AWARENESS DAY' hahaha.. tat's pretty funny.. wanna know wat's even funnier.. I (the non-single gal) is dateless on Valentine's day whereas my single friends are going out for dates on Valentine's day.. THAT SUX.. well actually Kevin had class til 9pm on Val's day.. SO just me and Paris celebrating Valentine's day..

DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE TO GET PARIS A GIFT??? Hell.. no.. he only gave me his ppoop and pee everyday.. okay i'm being mean that's not true.. there's the love, and pimple-inducing, slimy, face-licking; and the running...

I intend to walk DAILY with Paris for a LONG LONG LONG LONG time.. YEsterday it lasted for 30 minutes.. Not bad eh.. But after like 20 mins, again Paris proved his inactivity by refusing to walk. I had to drag him while he comfortably seat himself on the dirty street of Barrington ave. Well that makes me feel good.. there's actually someone or some-dog who is lazier than me.

Anyway back to Yankee's story. Yankee's mommy is Ida. SHe's a very sweet lady. Although she's 50 y.o, she really doesn't look like one.. AND ladies out there.. lemme tell you the secret... it's exercise! I tell ya.. she has a better figure than I do... She told me she went for a 7-miles hike yesterday WOWWW.. please how many mothers/grandmothers (INDOnesian mothers/grandmothers I mean) would do that?? NONE?? father/grandfathers are still possible.

ANwyay she also told me about a walking tour.. HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OF A WALKING TOUR???? NOO... So.. it's a walking tour where you basically go for a holiday but throughout the holiday you do not board bus/train/subway/van. you.. WALK! And Ida told me there's one trip she went to Europe and she walked from 10 am to 7pm.. WIth break in between WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT???????? I'm gonna lose lots and lots of weight if I join this trip! ( When I mentioned this to Kevin, he simply said, "That is IF you can really make urself join this trip ) WAT the hell.. I'm really not a bum...REALLYY Oh and that walking tour she told me about.. it's like a 100 miles walking in total.

I'll do a 100 miles trip... IN A CAR

Okay maybe maybe just maybe one day I'll do it... Sightseeing while you walk, looking at the cows, and baby lamb and baby cows.. Let me picture this...


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