Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New Year.. Old Habit

Unless I can fork up $2400 from the air before January 7, 2.45pm; my registered classes in UCLA will be dropped... As I said: New Year, Old Habit.. I tend to forget about my school fee bills and always get trapped in the transaction time between transferring $$$ from Bank account to my Paypal account (which save me 1.5% of any spending). Confused? OKay.. Using Paypal credit card, I was able to save 1.5% of my transaction because Paypal would return this 1.5%. So.. I figure I would definitely take advantage of this benefit when I pay my school fee.. The catch?? There is 3-4 days processing time when you transfer money from your bank account to your Paypal account.

So in that 3-4 days, your money is illiquid, you can't use it at all. So now, my money would only be ready to be used on January 10. Although by January 7, I have to pay the school fee.. Happened last quarter ( Been there Done that )

1 comment:

Yuke Tjandra said...

Hey, that's a good financial move...too bad I'm paying mine with my sister's credit card. She's getting a 1% cashback and saving loads of money on her mortgage interest.